
United We Stand
We display this report as a reference for future initiatives and projects. To organize and coordinate 30 different charity organizations and deliver urgent medical supplies to those in need when COVID hit was a challenge physically, mentally, and intellectually. For over three months, day and night, we strove for innovative and efficient solutions. Every bit of nerve-wrecking made this initiative every bit more memorable. It was also a project where the father and the son worked together, from different hemispheres of the world, creating real impact, thus it was also a valuable memory treasured here.

CFHR Garden Building & Experiential Learning Project
The China Folk House Retreat (CFHR) is a non-profit 501c(3) organization providing experiential learning programs for students of all ages, families, and life-long learners in the greater Washington DC region. CFHR offers a range of experiential learning opportunities, from day visits to the house site as a “living museum” to weekend workshops on sustainability and cultural programs, to a series of intensive two-week apprenticeships during the summer craft school.

Lock House Rehabilitation
Founded in 2007, the C&O Canal Trust is the official non-profit partner of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park. The mission is to partner with the National Park Service to protect, restore, and promote the C&O Canal. The Trust engages communities and individuals to realize the Park’s historical, natural, and recreational potential.
The C&O Canal National Historical Park is the 8th most visited unit within the National Park System, welcoming nearly 5 million visitors a year. (This is more visitors than signature parks like Yellowstone, Yosemite, or the Grand Canyon host a year!) The C&O Canal Trust works in partnership with the C&O Canal National Historical Park to raise funds and resources to support maintenance and visitor programs in the Park.

The Chinese-language Bethel Series Training Camp
Founded on December 18th, 2019, the initial goal of the Flagstone Foundation, which is a 501c(3) organization, is to assist the spread of the Gospel in China by promoting the Chinese version of the Bethel Series course and other activities.
The outbreak of Covid-19 at the beginning of 2020 quickly changed the plan and led the Foundation into a great humanitarian effort to fight against the pandemic and preserve lives. Flagstone Foundation participated in the Life Preservation Initiative Project sponsored by the Daofeng and Angela Foundation and made a significant contribution. The Flagstone Foundation completed the procurement, international transportation, and on-demand distribution of 420,000 non-surgical disposable masks and 39,480 N95 masks during the pandemic break-out period when the PPEs were the shortest. After the most urgent pandemic stage in the United States passed, the Flagstone Foundation began to think about fulfilling its mission in the context of the global pandemic.

Young Americans for Freedom
Young America’s Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.
As the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces thousands of American youth to these principles by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers to young people across the country.

“Clear Heart” International Philanthropic Cultural Communication and Research Program
The Asia Academy of Philanthropy (AAP) was jointly initiated by a group of well-known experts, scholars, and philanthropists in China and overseas. It was established in November 2012 as an innovative philanthropy strategy research institute in China. As a member of the United Nations Global Compact (No. UNGlobal Compact19724), the AAP advocates innovation in philanthropy through “philanthropy global cooperation” and “philanthropy cross-border innovation”, and introduces world wisdom to Chinese philanthropy and Chinese wisdom to the world philanthropy, thereby promoting the well-being of mankind, and realizing the vision expected by the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development-“the balance of global social development, economic development, and environmental protection”. By constructing a philanthropy discourse system in the era of the creative economy, the AAP optimizes the philanthropy ecology; and is committed to innovative research and path construction in multiple fields such as philanthropy and high-tech, philanthropy and the new economy, philanthropy and new culture, philanthropy, and educational innovation, etc. AAP aims to become the engine of philanthropy innovation in Asia.

AFC US Campuses Project
AFC is called by God, in cooperation with local churches, to evangelize and disciple Chinese students and professionals in the United States and other parts of the world, to motivate and equip them to impact the culture for the Lord, and to mobilize and channel them into the service of Christ as a vital force for God’s Kingdom.
Like so many powerful Christian ministries, Ambassadors for Christ began as a meeting of concerned people. In 1956 Rev. Moses Chow and Ted, and Leona Choy met with Christiana Tsai, the “Queen of the Dark Chamber” in Paradise, PA. The Choys, who worked at that time with International Students Inc., invited Rev. Chow to participate in an upcoming Chinese Bible Study. The event gave birth to ongoing activities, including the initial publication of Ambassadors Magazine in October 1957. Chinese student ministries gained in urgency, and after much prayer for guidance from the LORD, Rev. Chow and the Choys founded Ambassadors for Christ on May 6, 1963.